Operations research in Ghana and Kenya on the effectiveness of World Vision’s Channels of Hope methodology in tackling the sensitive topic of family planning

The June 2018 Community of Practice discussion focused on Operations research in Ghana and Kenya on the effectiveness of World Vision’s Channels of Hope methodology in tackling the sensitive topic of reproductive health and family planning. Project Hypothesis: Channels of Hope would increase population knowledge on contraceptive methods, contraceptive demand and contraceptive use.
What is Channels of Hope? Channels of Hope is an interactive, facilitated process to create a safe space for faith leaders and faith communities to learn, share and debate. It reaches to the root causes and deepest convictions that impact attitudes, norms, values and practices toward the most vulnerable. The process is grounded in guiding principles from participants’ holy scriptures. Channels of Hope is designed to move the heart, inform the mind and motivate a sustained and effective response to significant issues. Channels of Hope does not proselytise or change people’s doctrine, but equips faith leaders to apply their sacred texts to key social issues and encourage other faith leaders and faith communities to do the same. Learn More: https://www.wvi.org/church-and-interfaith-engagement/what-channels-hope
Stream The Recording: https://wvi.webex.com/wvi/ldr.php?RCID=f8b88c5ac6689fe2bcd076162007df26
Download The Webex (Webex Player Required): https://wvi.webex.com/wvi/lsr.php?RCID=7ee973b0a28ba251d32818a97b05213d
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THANK YOU TO OUR SPEAKER: Alfonso Rosales, MD, MPH-TM; World Vision USA Senior Technical Advisor, Maternal Newborn Child Health
Email: arosales@worldvsion.org
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alfonsorosales1/
Alfonso on Twitter: @Alfonso22467191