World Vision and the Global Fund

Our Partnership
The Global Fund is a partnership designed to accelerate the end of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria as epidemics. Since its creation in 2002, the Global Fund has disbursed more than US$60.4 billion to respond to HIV, TB, malaria and COVID-19 and for programmes to strengthen health systems across more than 120 countries as of June 2023, making it one of the largest funders of global health.
Programmes supported by the Global Fund have saved 59 million lives and provided prevention, treatment and care services to hundreds of millions of people, helping to revitalize entire communities, strengthen local health systems, and improve economies.
In 2023, our organization made a profound impact on the lives of millions of people around the world, addressing pressing global health challenges like malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV. We directly benefited 44 million people through our malaria prevention and treatment programmes, distributing 19,394,606 long-lasting insecticidal nets and providing indoor residual spraying to 391,643 households. Our efforts also led to 6,372,399 suspected malaria cases receiving parasitological testing and 5,552,235 confirmed cases receiving first-line antimalarial treatment. Additionally, we evaluated and treated 176,432 contacts of people with confirmed tuberculosis, reached 595,481 key populations with HIV prevention programmes, and empowered 402,184 adolescent and young people with comprehensive sexuality education. Overall, our 2023 impact demonstrates our unwavering commitment to improving global health and wellbeing.
Each of the 59 million lives saved by the Global Fund partnership is a person – a parent, a child, a teacher, a worker, a neighbor or a friend. Every life saved, and every infection averted, has a multiplier effect across families, communities and entire nations.
World Vision and the Global Fund Portfolio
World Vision has partnered with the Global Fund and national partners since its inception in 2002. Through this partnership, World Vision has acquired 164 Global Fund awards in 41 countries with a cumulative portfolio value of over US$1 billion (from 2002 to date). In 2023, World Vision's comprehensive portfolio exceeded $166 million, encompassing eight PR awards in seven countries and eleven SR/SSR awards in eight countries. Our programmes made a significant impact, with HIV/AIDS initiatives in Eswatini and Kenya, malaria programs in Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, and the Central African Republic, and focused TB initiatives in Somalia, Senegal, Myanmar, and India. Additionally, we implemented integrated TB and HIV programs in Malawi, Papua New Guinea, Haiti, Nicaragua, & Thailand. demonstrating our commitment to addressing global health challenges worldwide.
Who are we reaching?
Global Fund and World Vision efforts reach communities with the greatest HIV, TB or malaria disease burden. All World Vision projects support national programmes using evidence-based practices to serve communities that are hard-to-reach and often underserved.
The Global Fund’s work to end AIDS, TB and malaria is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Our partnership’s results directly contribute to progress toward this and other goals.
Global Fund grants also contribute to sustainable health results in communities in alignment with the World Vision Child Well Being goal of "children ages 0 to 5 are protected from infection and disease."
Global Fund/WV Programming Target Areas
Global Fund Engagement
World Vision is a founding member of the Civil Society Principal Recipients Network (CSPRN) and took on the co-chair role from 2015 to 2018. The CSPRN is a membership coalition of national and international NGO implementing partners who share best practices and lessons learned around grant implementation. CSPRN also provides feedback and input on improved regulations and systems that support better quality grant management globally.
World Vision Global Fund Contact
For more information or general questions about the Global Fund, please contact:
Eseza Ikedit, Resource Development Director
David Livingstone, Global Fund Unit Coordinator