World Vision at the World Health Assembly
The 77th World Health Assembly was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 27 May to 1 June 2024, with the theme of All for Health, Health for All.
In addition to the side events below, World Vision:
- Co-led with PMNCH the informal WHA77 pre-meeting agenda item 11.7. Acceleration towards the SDG targets for maternal health and child mortality with the WHO Secretariat.
- Participated in development of constituency statements: 1) Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, and 2) WHO’s 14th General Programme of Work
- Delivered three individual statements: 1) immunization; 2) prioritisation of nutrition within health systems; and 3) maternal, infant and young child nutrition (see full text below)
- Hosted a roundtable on Tuesday 28 May 2024 in partnership with African Union Commission on Scaling Up Community Health Workers for Nutrition in Africa, featuring CHW Aisha Musiko from Kenya; Francesco Branca, WHO Nutrition Director; and Michele Gaudrault, WVI Technical Director, facilitated by Dan Irvine, WVI Health and Nutrition Global Director, with closing comments from Afshan Khan, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Coordinator.
- Partnered in a side event on Wednesday 29 May 2024 hosted by Save the Children with Global Climate and Health Alliance, "Health in the climate crisis: from global policy to integrated action." Details below.
- Involved in a side event on Wednesday 29 May 2024 hosted by the Government of Colombia and Government of Sweden, "Ending violence against children: Maximizing the first ever Global Ministerial Conference." The event featured 14-year-old Zewelanji, a change-maker and advocate from Zambia.
- Hosted a side event on Thursday 30 May 2024 with International Rescue Committee and Village Reach, "Reaching the most vulnerable contexts with immunization." Details below.
- Hosted a roundtable on Friday 31 May 2024 with International Rescue Committee and Village Reach, "The Role of Community Health Workers in Immunization Programming."
Our Side Events
World Vision's Statements at the World Health Assembly
Item 11.1. Universal Health Coverage
Comprehensive coverage of Essential Nutrition Actions throughout the lifecycle is fundamental to Universal Health Coverage. People of all ages and vulnerabilities, especially children, have the right to good nutrition and health. Only the health sector can deliver essential nutrition services. Nutrition must be prioritized within health budgets and UHC.
Universal access to nutrition services can be achieved through strengthening of the community health workforce. CHWs are an under-invested resource for scaling up nutrition service provision and health systems presence in hard-to-reach communities. World Vision International calls on Member States to prioritize investment in nutrition service delivery, community health workers, and strengthening of national health systems for universal coverage of essential nutrition services.
Item 11.4 Immunization Agenda 2030
World Vision International is active in the collective movement towards 2030 Immunization Targets and the “Big Catch-Up.” Reaching Zero-Dose Children is a central pillar of our work in health and with partners. Together, we must ensure equitable vaccination for the most vulnerable children, no matter where they are.
This requires greater investment in a strong and competent health workforce to deliver vaccines, as part of strong community health systems. Civil Society Organizations and Community Health Workers must be engaged to help extend immunization to the last mile. Community Health Workers are best placed to reach last-mile communities with essential health services, and there is much evidence to support their participation in vaccine demand creation and administration. Solutions are ready but financing must be mobilized to enact them.
Item 15.2 Maternal, infant and young child nutrition
World Vision shares these recommendations from 15-year-old child advocate Zewelanji of Zambia who is here participating in WHA77. Proper nutrition is a right that every child must be given. Governments must take immediate actions to reverse the worsening of maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
Ministries of Health and Education must collaborate to ensure that micronutrient supplements and nutrition education are availed to children, women, and communities. Maternity leave should be extended to at least 6 months to support exclusive breastfeeding and women’s health and nutritional needs. Strengthening and increasing the Community Health workforce is essential, as is supporting them to provide nutrition services, and improving their working conditions.
Most importantly, leaders must ensure that the children in their communities are able to meet their dietary needs and that the whole community can actively participate in improving nutrition. Children must not be left out of this and must participate in matters concerning them.