Ordinary People. Extraordinary Impact.
Hidden Hero
Ordinary People Coming Together for Extraordinary Impact
Behind all the work that World Vision has been part of for the past 70 years, ordinary people - hidden heroes- have risen to meet the most relevant challenges of every era.
Do you know a hidden hero?
We want to hear your stories! Nominate your hidden hero using #HiddenHero.
Unleash your hidden hero!
Hidden heroes are striving to protect children around the world from violence - speaking out and supporting communities on the ground.
But COVID-19 is threatening to roll back years of progress.
The ripple effects of the pandemic could leave 85 million children at risk - isolated in unsafe homes, sent to work or pushed into early marriage. And the effects will last a lifetime.
It’s vital governments step in to prevent this devastating legacy.
Please support these hidden heroes by calling on governments and institutions to urgently increase funding for health, education and other social services that protect children from all forms of violence and abuse, especially for girls and boys at greater risk due to the impacts of COVID-19.
Unleash your hidden hero!
#HiddenHero Global Voices
Want to meet more hidden heroes? Click here to go to watch more videos!