Malaria Programming - World Vision 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

World Vision supports the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM) targets of reducing global malaria deaths by the end of 2015 to near zero and reducing global malaria cases by 75 percent from the 2000 level. To achieve these targets, WV is supporting rapid scale-up for universal coverage of LLINs (defined as one net per two people) through its existing community networks using a community-based distribution model.

Volunteers are trained to distribute the nets through community meetings or household-to-household, demonstrating net hang-up and providing information, education, and communication (IEC) to ensure correct use of nets. In addition to training community volunteers, World Vision provides technical support for training local Ministry of Health clinic and government staff in pharmaceutical management and malaria case management for pregnant women and children.

World Vision is also pressing the international community to do more to combat malaria, recognizing that proper control, elimination, and eventual eradication of the disease is not possible without greater resources and stronger coordination between governments, private businesses, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, and local communities