Child Rights Barometer: Measuring Government Efforts to Protect Girls and Boys in Eswatini

Child Rights Barometer Cover Image_Eswatini
Հինգշաբթի, Հոկտեմբեր 10, 2019

At World Vision, we celebrate the significant progress Eswatini has made towards achieving global and national targets in key areas of child well-being. Children account for over half of the country’s population, yet their rights and needs are often seen as peripheral to development efforts. 

Despite the progress, some glaring challenges remain and require urgent attention. Poverty and child rights violations continue to threaten the lives of children daily and take away from the gains already made.

We hope this report will trigger policymakers to develop comprehensive responses to address all forms of violence and poverty affecting children. And that the evidence and analysis presented here will encourage a national debate about what constitutes violence against children as well as child poverty in Eswatini and how to address it holistically.

More information about this project, which is made possible through our partnership with The Child Rights Network for Southern Africa (CRSNSA), as well as reports from other participating countries can be found here