Child Rights Barometer: Measuring Government Efforts to Protect Girls and Boys in Zimbabwe

Child Rights Barometer Cover Image_Zimbabwe
Ուրբաթ, Հոկտեմբեր 11, 2019

Safeguarding children’s rights forms part of the core mandate of World Vision. As an organization, we remain committed to advancing the rights of children and come up with programs that contribute to the well-being of children through various community initiatives. In doing so, advocacy is a key driver that we mainstream to create a conducive environment for children to thrive and realise their full potential.

Against the background of child violations, the Child Rights Barometer initiative is critical. This reflects not only our desire to create a child-friendly Zimbabwe. This report is an essential reminder of the additional work we need to continue to do to protect children. With this barometer, we measure progress, successes and identify gaps in the objective to protect boys and girls.

More information about this project, which is made possible through our partnership with The Child Rights Network for Southern Africa (CRSNSA), as well as reports from other participating countries can be found here