Let's Visit our Green School!
Green School is not only a school building with green wall or a huge garden with many plants in it. It is more than that. The Green School is a method of contextual education which is integrated with environment and nature.
On some occasions, some staffs of Wahana Visi Indonesia has accompanied some journalists and child sponsors to visit Green School in SDN 07 (07 public primary school) located in Sasak, Sajingan subdistrict, Sambas district, West Kalimantan. SDN 07 has applied the method of contextual education which was previously introduced and socialized by Wahana Visi Indonesia.
The divisions are welcomed by Dayak traditional ceremony. The teachers and students are also welcoming the guests by playing some instruments made of recycled thrifts, performing Dayak traditional dance, and singing Green School anthem.
The staffs are also invited to go around the school and follow the school daily activity. The education pattern applied in Green School is different from the other schools because the children are encouraged to ask and answer some questions given by the teachers. Moreover, the teachers are asked to be more creative in delivering the learning materials such as making teaching props or being involved in learning process.
Jaelani, one of the teachers, the members of Division of Creativity and Activity, is happy with the green method applied in the school.
"I love art. By this method (green school), my creativity could be channeled well," he said. As a teacher of 5th grade, he feels challenged to dig his creativity in delivering kearning materials to the students besides teaching them to be more creative.
*Written by Mardea Mumpuni, Marketing Communications officer, World Vision Indonesia