Toilets Change Wana People's Life
Wana is a sub-village located in a far hill on West Palu. Although it is located near to Central Sulawesi's capital, there's no city lifestyle found in this little village. The area could only be accessed on foot after about 1.5 hours walk.
Inhabited by 50 families, the area has always lacked proper sanitation facilities. As it was, residents needed to go far away from their homes- under the candlenut trees - to relieve themselves. The absence of sanitation facilities in Wana has worsened the health standards. Wana children are prone to illness and diarrhea since they relieve themselves anywhere they like, rather than using a toilet.
Recognising the need, the toilet project started in March 2014. Toilets were constructed using a ring-shaped septic tank which is considered more durable in the event of earthquakes.
Two of the Wana community girls, Feli, 11, and Momo, 11, are happy to finally have toilets in their village.
"I'm happy because there's toilet near to my home," said Feli shyly.
Feli and Momo said that before the toilets were constructed in their village, they are very ashamed to meet strangers since it is smelled bad near their homes.
With the arrival of toilets, community members also needed to learn how to use them properly.
"We need to flush the toilet after using it," said Feli.
Mamu, 64, the chief of Wana neighborhood since 2002 and the father of Momo, thanks to World Vision for building toilets in Wana.
"We are very happy for your assistance. Without World Vision, we couldn't build any toilets," he said with a slow, but deliberate voice.
*Written by Rena Tanjung, Field Communications Officer, World Vision Indonesia