Winola Cares about Children

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Winolia Bagio is a cadre of the sponsorship of Wahana Visi Indonesia in Urban Pontianak Operations Office. Winola has long been involved in many activities of Wahana Visi (partner of World Vision Indonesia), especially in children's activities ranging from training in health, education, and the environment. Her assisted area is Batu Layang Village.

"I am really excited to take an active part in many activities of Wahana Visi because I gained knowledge and skills that I can apply in my life," said Winola.

At first, Winola's involvement was just to fill her spare time as a housewife. Now her motivation is not only that, but she wants to further improve the quality of life for children in her assisted areas.

"The local people often underestimate what we do. I also often receive sharp questions from the parents of sponsored children about what benefit their children will receive," Winola explains.

When asked to express her hope about a better life for the children in her area, Winola explains, "I want the children to stay in school, and I want to be involved in socialization activities to make them aware of the dangers of drugs, narcotics, alcohol and promiscuity."

This is her hope because many problems for children have not been handled, and have even spread wider.

During the sponsorship cadres’ refreshment activities conducted in Urban Pontianak in August 2013, Winola was selected as the best sponsorship cadre from more than one hundred sponsorship cadres in the assisted area.

Winola’s dedication to children in her area will hopefully become an inspiration for the other cadres or even the Pontianak community to make a better life for the children. Congratulations, Mrs. Winola!

*Written by Christine Lora Egaratri, CSMP Coordinator Wahana Visi Indonesia Kantor Operasional Urban Pontianak; translated by Lukas J. Ginting