In May 2015 the first case of ZIKA (ZIKV) virus infection was confirmed in Brazil. In less than nine months the virus spread through 41 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean, infecting more than 1.3 million people. A causal link has now been established between ZIKV and congenital malformations such as microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome; the increase in abnormalities in other organs such as eyes and ears has also been associated with ZIKV 1. In February 2016 the WHO declared that the emergence of clusters of cases of microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with the ZIKV epidemic constituted an international public health concern, i.e., a situation that should be treated as an emergency. By September 1, 2016, 73 countries and territories have reported the presence of ZIKV transmitted by mosquitoes since 2007 2.
In this context, WVI realized the need for a KAP (knowledge, attitudes and practices) survey related to ZIKV disease. The objective of this survey is to determine the knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and practices of people (adults and adolescents, women and men) on ZIKV, in communities where WV has developed a plan of response to the epidemic, which includes six countries (Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In this report, the results of the KAP survey in El Salvador (ELS) are presented.
The process KAP-ZIKV was commissioned by the Department of Emergency Response to ZIKV World Vision International and the Pan American Health Organization. The technical team of the KAP-ZIKV is made by the Director of response ZIKVV Response World Vision International, the technical director of rendering humanitarian and DME international WV accounts, the Regional Director of HEA WV-LACRO, by Regional Advisor Health and HIV WV-LACRO and consultant for KAP-ZIKV.
For more information on this process KAP-ZIKV, please contact Alfonso Rosales, Director of the Emergency Response ZIKV of World Vision International at