International Day of Education
Let's Celebrate International Day of Education
The sixth International Day of Education will be celebrated on 24 January 2024 under the theme “learning for lasting peace”. The world is seeing a surge of violent conflicts paralleled by an alarming rise of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, and hate speech. The impact of this violence transcends any boundary based on geography, gender, race, religion, politics, offline and online. An active commitment to peace is more urgent today than ever: Education is central to this endeavor, as underlined by the UNESCO Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development. Learning for peace must be transformative, and help empower learners with the necessary knowledge, values, attitudes and skills and behaviours to become agents of peace in their communities.
Learn about World Vision's transformative education work for lasting peace
Read how:
- World Vision Kenya - Read about this wonderful project which Empowered Children as Peacebuilders through the formation of peace clubs in primary and secondary schools targeting boys and girls aged 12 - 17 years.
- World Vision Peru - Educating with tenderness for peaceful coexistence in schools in Latin America and the Caribbean - English & Spanish
- World Vision Rwanda - Reading Buddy: Empowering Children through Shared Learning
- Jerusalem, West Bank - Transforming Trauma: Empowering Youth Through Safe Access and Inclusive Education in the West Bank
- World Vision Somalia - How Schools Promote Peace
- Word Vision Zambia - Education for Lasting Peace
See how World Vision's holistic learning helps towards peace ...
Here is an article from our Global Education Director, Ana Tenorio:
- Peace can blossom through Education: World Vision’s holistic approach to learning for lasting peace
and this article by Nancy Del Col, Education Sector Lead at World Vision Canada highlighting:
- Refugee Teachers: An Overlooked Resource for Peace
Did you know that?
- WV Ethiopia - Established 307 Reading Camps and trained 2,198 Caregivers
- WV Ghana - 42,652 children participated in Unlock Literacy interventions
- WV Afghanistan - 100 teachers at Government hub schools received child protection training
- WV Mozambique - With funding from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the ECT-3 project has already trained 505 primary school teachers on Unlock Literacy approach, opened, and equipped 530 reading camps where over 14,000 children participate.
- WV Zimbabwe - Unki Platinum (STEP-UP) project provided vocational skills training to 877 youths and addressing educational disruptions caused by factors like COVID-19 school closures, Catch-Up Programme (CUP) was implemented in 6 areas, focusing on building foundational literacy and numeracy skills for 3,693 learners aged 6-9.
Don’t fear the teen! Let’s turn our perspective of adolescents upside down - learn more about our Positive Youth Development Programme