It Takes Children: What young leaders say about ending violence against children

Children have the right to live without violence. They are leading a global movement to share their stories and solutions, but it takes a world to listen to them, and act on their words. Below are some of the experiences from children around the world:

"Many parents and adults are convinced that without using physical force it is impossible to discipline a child. Our country even has a popular saying that goes: “a child who is bought up without punishment is like a curry that’s cooked without being stirred.” Children are seen as unworthy and worthless, and this makes us feel insignificant and hurts our feelings a lot. As a solution I’d like to suggest that the laws and regulations in physically punishing and violating children should be tightened and followed by everyone. This will bring some form of order and control in our communities and we children will be able to grow in a happier and safer environment."
-Shamindu, 13, Sri Lanka

"I fear that we will unconsciously repeat our parents’ behaviour – use violence to solve our problems. I urge that parents use constructive advice and encouraging words to teach us instead of physical discipline and punishment. I believe that together with my friends, classmates and schoolmates, we will be able to change our parents’ mindsets and challenge their belief that physical violence is an important part of a child’s upbringing. I hope that there will be more platforms for us to share our views about this issue with local officials, with parents and with adults in general, so that every member in the community will partake in actions to end physical violence against children."
-Quynh, 13, Vietnam

"The whole world is needed to end violence against children because, there is a saying -'nothing comes from one man's head’. So when children are involved, adults are involved, girls, women, old men are all involved, I think violence can be ended against children."
-Abigail, 13, Ghana
“My parents used to beat me and dad was very aggressive with my mom, she could have been another victim on the news. One of her friends invited her to a conference by World Vision, which helped her to change the violence in our home. As a child well-being promoter, my mom took my dad to a workshop by World Vision Peru, and now he is not violent. They both used to yell at me, but they do not do it with my little sisters: they just talk to them. When I was 9, my mom took me to a youth group and I was very shy, but now I feel that I am free to express my opinion. I want to be a lawyer and put up drastic penalties for aggressors and help children who are not being heard.”
-Paola, 16, Peru

"Child marriage is WRONG and is one of the most common forms of violence in our country. In Senegal, every year, thousands of children (especially girls) are married off before the age of 15 against their will – they do not want to be married. They are abused, they fall pregnant and leave school. None of which they wanted… I remember one girl in particular - she was in my community, 13-years-old and in fourth class. During one of the awareness building campaigns she made a plea for putting an end to child marriage, yet at the same time her father was arranging her own marriage. She died three months later following an abortion of a pregnancy. So when I see this, I stand up and gather together with my fellow children and young people and ask the decision makers to put sanctions in place for those who commit violence against children and also to put in place a legal framework where children can be heard and express their wishes and demand that their rights be respected."
-Fatou, 17, Senegal