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Key figures
Project goals and objectives
The “Enhanced access to Mental Health Psychosocial Services (MHPSS) for Vulnerable Communities”, project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), aims to improve the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children and families in Areas B and C in the West Bank. The project will support parents and caregivers to recognise and respond to the psychosocial support needs of children and themselves; activate natural community supports and strengthen care systems to enhance psychosocial support for children; and implement age- and gender-appropriate creative and expressive psychosocial activities for children. Through the project, the staff of our partner, Juzoor For Health & Social Development, and community facilitators will be trained and equip to enhance their performance with focus on MHPSS.
The project will also strengthen Juzoor's capacities in finance, procurement, child protection, and fundraising. Palestinian civil society organizations such as Juzoor have a long-term presence in the targeted communities, and strengthening their capacity will contribute to sustaining the impact of the project.
Key actions
To achieve the project objectives, parents, caregivers, community works and facilitators will be provided with training on positive parenting and how to support children with mental health challenges. Community awareness campaigns will promote appropriate coping and recovery strategies, stigma reduction, and the inclusion of children with experiencing problems with mental health. The project will also focus on rehabilitating playgrounds in 12 villages to improve their safety and environmental friendliness.
Additionally, facilitator training and technical capacity building on MHPSS approaches for children will be provided to identified community volunteers, facilitators, and technical staff from Juzoor, World Vision’s implementing partner.
Project duration
December 2022 to November 2025
Project locations
34 villages in Areas B and C in 4 governorates of the West Bank
Implementing partners
Juzoor For Health & Social Development