to End Violence Against Children In and Around Schools
Act Together for Change
All children have their right to experience childhood. World Vision, together in coalition with the government and partners such as Save the Children, War Child, and SAWA, leads a national-level campaign in East Jerusalem and the West Bank to advocate, raise awareness, influence change and strengthen services – all in order to foster a safer environment for children in and around schools and prevent violence. The goal of the campaign is for Palestinian children to enjoy school, feel safe and be protected with leaders and caregivers dedicated to improve systems and promote a violence-free society.
The campaign is grounded in UNICEF, UNESCO, and WHO’s Whole School Approach to Violence Prevention as well as the INSPIRE Framework. Together, we focus on nine areas:
#1 Develop leadership, school policies and coordination methods
#2 Collect data on violence and monitor changes over time
#3 Prevent violence through curriculum-based activities
#4 Work with teachers on values and beliefs and train them in positive discipline and classroom management
#5 Respond to violence when it happens violence
#6 Review and adapt school buildings and grounds
#7 Involve parents in violence prevention activities
#8 Involve the community in violence prevention activities
#9 Evaluate violence prevention activities and use the evidence to strengthen your approaches