West Jenin ADP
Villages ADP Located In: Kferit, Tura Ash Sharqiyyah, Tura Al Gharbiyya, Al Khuljan, Um Dar, Imreha, and Ya’bad
No. of Registered Children: 2,914
No. of Direct Beneficiaries: 10,055
No. of Indirect Beneficiaries: 18,627
No. of Communities Served: 7
No. of Community-Based Organizations and/or Schools Served: 33
Total No. of Staff: 18 fulltime staff members serve Northeast, West and South Jenin ADPs
Support Office: World Vision Canada
The Jenin governorate likes in the northern part of the West Bank. It is surrounded by Nablus to the south, Tulkarem to the southwest, Tubas to the east, and the illegal Israeli separation barrier to the north and east. The Jenin governorate covers 583,000 square kilometres (around 225 square miles) and accounts forl 10 per cent of the area of the West Bank.
The western part of Jenin covers 72.36 square kilometres (27.93 square miles). Around one third of this land is cultivated. Due to the political instability in the area, including the separation barrier and road closures, the residents of West Jenin face severe difficulties such as restriction in movement and employment. The main sources of income for western Jenin residents in agriculture and employment in Israel are threatened due to land confiscation and the denial of access to the Israeli labour market.
In West Jenin, 35 per cent of residents are unemployed and 87 per cent spend more than 45 per cent of their income on food. An alarming 97 per cent suffer from severe living conditions, as they are living under the poverty line. A total of 64.4 per cent of households have a monthly wage of 2,000 NIS ($548) or less, well below the poverty line in the occupied Palestinian territory.
World Vision has been working in the area through its West Jenin Area Development Programme (ADP) since early 2007. Within its work towards the well-being of children, their families, and communities, the West Jenin ADP participates and partners with its community representatives and helps empower them to identify their own needs and take ownership of the consequent initiatives. Such initiatives in West Jenin include projects to ensure food security through agricultural and economic development. World Vision is also working with tis communities on improving available water networks and the quality of education.
World Vision seeks to provide children and families with a safe and loving environment in which to grow and develop. With a focus on building the capacity of children, World Vision partners with its communities in West Jenin. Striving to build child safe and friendly environments, World Vision focuses on developing child skills and capabilities within its western Jenin communities. Through summer camps, remedial education, leadership development and the building of playgrounds and public parks for children, World Vision continues to support its communities towards building a brighter future.
World Vision continues to encourage its communities and children to assume the leading role in their communities’ developmental processes. Through initiatives such as developing community-based disaster preparedness and exchange visits between village or municipal councils,, World Vision supports the sharing of knowledge towards further development in its communities. World Vision seeks not only to provide its communities with the opportunity to grow, but also to empower them to continue this development within their families and communities.
World Vision values the importance of safe and clean environments within its communities. Inspiring its communities in West Jenin, World Vision partners with residents in the planting of forest trees and finding more environmentally-friendly methods of charcoal production, a major industry in Jenin. Through these joint ventures, World Vision encourages children, their families and communities to share their responsibilities of building a better and brighter future. The West Jenin ADP improved the educational environment in 6 different kindergartens by rehabilitating 2 kindergartens and equipping them with the tools to improve the quality of preschool education and provide children with a safe and protected environment.
World Vision Jerusalem-West Bank-Gaza seeks to impact the lives of over 200,000 children through its programmes and directly benefits the lives of over 168,000 people in 116 communities throughout the occupied Palestinian territory. Through its Area Development Programmes, World Vision works with 500 community-based organizations and schools to empower families and children to become agents of change for a better future. World Vision seeks to ensure that all families and children are cared for, protected and participating.
1) Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), Press Release, page 3, 2012, http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/Portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/int_Pop_2012e.pdf