A New Building Inspires Children to Attend School
In Huaysala, a World Vision target village in rural Laos, many children were regularly missing class and not attending school.
“I did not attended the class because my classroom is too small, too many students. Water drops down from the roof and flows in to the classroom when it rains,” says Somwang, 10.
To encourage more child participation in school, World Vision built a new school with 5 classrooms to accommodate more children from grade 1 to 5.
World Vision educational program staff also followed-up with the children’s families and found that parents were often requesting their children to help on the farm or take care of their younger brothers or sisters at home.
As a result of the assessment, World Vision encouraged parents to support their children and raised awareness about how education changes the lives of children. They also worked closely with village authorities establishing a parents association and promoting child’s rights in the village.
World Vision also trained teachers on new teaching and learning skills including developing teaching tools for children.
"Now we have a new school building, and it made me want to go to school. I am never absent from school.”
Mr. Singkeo, head of Huaysala primary school said, “We are very glad to have new primary school building as well as the World Vision support to our community to build capacity for our teachers. In the past two years, several teachers have been trained on new teaching methodologies. More than 98% of students have passed the annual test!”
Somchanh, 12, is studying in grade level 5. She says, “In the past I was always absent from school because there were not enough education materials or big enough school facilities for all the students. We also lacked enough teachers. But now we have a new school building, and it made me want to go to school. I am never absent from school.”
Gradually, the number of children attending school has increased and their parents better understand the importance of education.
To improving the well-being of Lao children, and encourage parents to support their children, World Vision is also implementing other programs in the village such as livelihood opportunities, a rice bank, a village fund, and mother and child healthcare in the village. More than 1,013 children from 288 families benefit from World Vision programs here.