It Starts With Me - Laos

It Starts With Me

Children's Right to a Healthy Planet


On this International Children's Day, World Vision, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), civil society and development partners in Laos call out for our moral duty to fulfill our children's right to a healthy planet. With the It Starts With Me campaign, we aim at raising the awareness of Lao citizens on climate change issues in order to change behaviours and bring about a better future for children, the environment, and our planet.  This six-month campaign will also actively create platforms for children to express their concerns and directly engage with decision-makers, and propose simple, doable actions that anyone can take to reduce our contribution and mitigate the impact of climate change.

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Our position

Climate change is creating a crisis for children and disproportionately impacts and burdens the world’s most vulnerable people despite their being the least responsible for it.

Joint efforts are needed to face the challenges posed by climate change. But we, as individuals, also have a role to play in addressing these challenges: reducing our consumption of single-use plastic, planting trees, re-using our goods, and recycling what we can… small changes can make a big difference.