Leadershift Episode 1: Nicky & Pippa Gumbel

Nicky & Pippa Gumbel

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Krish Kandiah sits down with Nicky Gumbel, Vicar of HTB Church in London and Pioneer of Alpha, along with his wife Pippa. Nicky and Pippa begin by sharing the incredible story of Alpha scaling from its humble beginnings in their local church to a global resource reaching millions of people. An unexpected part of Alpha’s journey began this year as the global pandemic pushed many courses to the online space for the first time. Nicky admits to being skeptical about such a format, but says he “could not have been more wrong” with thousands more engaging this spring and finding comfort in the online expression. 

Nicky surprisingly shares about his reluctance to leadership and cautions listeners that leadership, like fame, can bring unwanted consequences. His solution? Building a team he can trust and empower to take Alpha beyond himself. His team is also a key part of his own growth he shares, providing valuable personal feedback that Nicky says is essential to us as leaders. 

In reflection on a year like 2020, Nicky and Pippa discuss what the pandemic has shown about our willingness as societies to take drastic measures to protect ourselves. They ponder what it would look like to approach the many needs in our world – houselessness, starvation, disease – with similar vigor. The impact of both Alpha and HTB Church to mobilise followers of Jesus to serve our communities and world are immense and this episode provides a small window into the heart and passion that has made it possible. 

We hope this conversation encourages and challenges you in your life and leadership.