WASH UP! WASH (Water, Hygiene and Sanitation) in schools

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation in schools (WASH in schools) is one of World Vision Mali’s key approaches to reach children with WASH interventions. This approach aims to prepare the future generation to adopted good hygiene behaviours and use school children to influence their parents and out-of-school children in favour of good hygiene practices.
This year, WASH activities were conducted in over 300 schools. These activities were comprised of: the construction of facilities (potable water points, institutional latrines, hand washing facilities), distribution of hygiene and sanitation kits, the training of teachers on WASH, education of students on essential hygiene practices and setting up of school WASH clubs.
In total, 40 modern water points, giving 9,439 students to access potable water, were constructed. As to sanitation and hygiene, 112 latrines (22 of which have locker rooms for girls) were constructed, 93 schools were equipped with hand washing kits and soap and 11,447 students were reached on hygiene and sanitation issues.
Launched in Mali in 2017, WASHUP! is a partnership between World Vision and Sesame Workshop which aims to increase hygiene knowledge and change behaviours among children. This partnership has the potential to save lives in developing countries by fighting the main causes of infant mortality, namely diarrhoea and pneumonia, caused by the lack of hygiene, sanitation and potable water. By taking advantage of animated characters and improving knowledge with engaging materials and activities focused on the child, this program allows children to be agents of change in their homes, schools and communities.
The pilot phase of the program, which reached 25 schools and 1,250 students in the region of Kati, was implemented in 2017 in French and Bambara.
Results accomplished :
- In 2017, over 11,447 students and 464 teachers in 300 schools were reached by WASH activities
- 87 new children’s clubs were set up
- 40 water points of which 7 water springs were constructed in schools
- 112 latrines were built, facilitating the access of 11,447 students to sanitation
- 68 wheelbarrows were supplied
- 123 dust bins for garbage collection were distributed
- 93 schools supplied with hand washing facilities and soap
- 25 schools where WASH UP ! is implemented
- 1,250 students educated in good WASH practices