World Vision Providing Nutritional Support in Crisis - “Your support is improving our children’s nutrition”

Our country has been experiencing a multidimensional crisis for years. The crisis that began in the north has spread, in recent times, to center of the country with dire implications such as communal conflict and the closure of many schools. These conflicts have polluted the social atmosphere and its devastation has been compounded by the repeated lack of rainfall that has led to a food crisis. Most families find it difficult to guarantee the three meals of the day, deteriorating the nutritional status of children all over the country. Currently, the World Vision Central Mali Emergency Response contributes to the care of 503 severe/acute malnourished children, of which 268 have been rehabilitated.
Carolina is a housewife living in Yassing, 22 KM from Koro. She is mother to Habiba, a beautiful 10 month old baby girl. She is also mother to four other children, 2 boys and girls, of which the oldest is 11 years old.
"My child was sick for about two weeks without treatment. I was educated by community relays on the importance of nutrition and they urged me to bring my child to the health center. It is there that the doctor, after consulting my child, said she was malnourished and offered treatment that I gave to my child. He then explained that the treatment was a support of the NGO, World Vision. I was very pleased. I know if I had not brought my child to the health center, she was going to lose her life. Thanks to this treatment, my child is cured and in good health. I am grateful this treatment was available and I continue to share this experience with the members of my community. I share the importance of proper nutrition for children through chats with my family and at the women’s meetings so that they are aware of its importance."
Carolina still lives in an unstable and volatile region, filled with uncertainty and worry but the health of her Habiba and four other children is not one of them.
Like Caroline and Habiba, Word Vision continues to contribute to the rehabilitation of 268 malnourished children, providing life-saving ready-to-use therapeutic foods to communities and families on the brink. In a long and complex crisis, these donations are even more vital to the survival and well-being of thousands of children all over Mali.