Matthew 25 Challenge
Matthew 25 Challenge
A disciple-making experience for families in your church to get out of their comfort zones through a daily sacrificial challenge.
Stories of Transformation
Hear from pastors whose churches have been transformed by World Vision's Matthew 25 Challenge experience.
Bring scripture to life with Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 25
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
– Matthew 25: 35-40 (NIV)

Tell me more!
A weeklong text message experience for churches, the Matthew 25 Challenge is an immersive way to connect with those living in poverty. For seven days, families and individuals in your congregation will step out of their comfort zones through a daily sacrificial challenge, bringing to life Jesus’ call in Matthew 25. Text messages with a daily challenge, stories of children around the world and family discussion and prayer points provide tangible actions throughout the week.
Daily challenges help open people’s eyes to the realities that many children and communities around the world face. Challenges are family-friendly and include activities like sleeping on the floor as many refugees do around the world, skipping a meal as hungry children do every day and only drinking water as you learn about the global water crisis.
Sign up to learn more about bringing Matthew 25 to your church today!