Helping to evacuate families from flooding area

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

World Vision is helping evacuate families and communities that have been left stranded and homeless by floods.

The organisation is also providing much needed water and other basic items.

The most affected families are in Chibuto, Guijá, and Xai-Xai districts, in the southern province of Gaza.

Communities in the central and southern parts of the country are facing major difficulties as rains continue to pound. Heavy rains in neighbouring South Africa and Zimbabwe caused the Limpopo River to overflow onto farm lands, homes and towns.

An estimated 150,000 people have been affected in the last week and the situation is expected to get worse in the next few weeks. At least 70 people have so far died in the torrents.

The floods have destroyed homes, crops, killed livestock and left many without adequate food, safe water or access to health care.

World Vision is making an appeal of US$1 million in order to respond to the devastating effects of floods in Mozambique.

“We estimate that an effective response would require roughly USD 1 million, levels that are not possible without your financial support and partnership to provide critical life-saving humanitarian aid to over 50,000 flood victims,” said Randy Smith, WV Mozambique Senior Programme Officer.

What World Vision is planning to do?

  • Direct Food Assistance to at least 50,000 individuals in three districts.
  • Water, Sanitation & Health: Construct latrines, provide water purifiers, promote good hygiene practices and disseminate key messages on diarrhea and cholera prevention.
  • Non-food items: Provide household and hygiene kits, shelter implements, and seeds and agricultural tools.
  • Protection: Provide Child-Friendly Spaces kits; train community leaders for child protection in resettlement camps.
  • Infrastructure: Reconstruct one ADP office.