Health, Nutrition & WASH
Improving the health and nutrition status of mothers and children is critical to ensuring their wellbeing. In this quest, World Vision Myanmar has provided training on Maternal Nutrition and Child Health, prevention of communicable disease, to mothers and care givers while providing water and sanitary facilities and hygiene awareness for schools and communities.
Achievements in 2021
1,006 Village Health Committees have been formed and strengthened.
31,589 people had access to clean drinking water from water collection points in communities or households.
42,230 mothers/caregivers of under five children received health knowledge.
1,466 referral cases for pregnant women under five children supported.
4,935 under five children received nutritious food package.
5,169 pregnant and lactating women received nutritious food package.
217,389 people received COVID-19 prevention materials and awareness messages.