World Vision, church partners to implement child well-being project in Lae settlements

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Thursday, February 4, 2021
  • World Vision PNG and the Missionaries of Marrianhill Catholic Church in Lae Morobe province sign a three-year MoA to undertake ‘Child Well Being Project’ in Lae settlements.
  • Over 3000 individuals, including women and children in settlements will benefit.

In a first for the Congregation of the Missionaries of Marrianhill Catholic Church in Lae Morobe Province, Father Brian Nonde and Pastor Andrew Kalai of World Vision Papua New Guinea (WVPNG) has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on Sunday 31st January 2021. 

The MoA is aimed at delivering the ‘Child Well Being Project’ through improved parenting and caregiving practices in the targeted Lae communities of Bumbu, Kamkumung, and 2 – 7 mile settlements in Lae city.

The project is a three-year program funded by World Vision United States (WVUS) and will benefit more than 3000 individuals, including women and children in the selected communities and settlements. 

World Vision PNG Faith & Development Coordinator Andrew Kalai and Father Brian Nonde, CMM Parish priest of Saint Steven’s Catholic Church signing the Memorandum of Agreement for the Missionaries of Marianhill to undertake the community intervention in the three settlement communities of Lae city.


During the program, there will be training extended to faith leaders, parents, children, and youths to better achieve the program outcome of increasing Church and Interfaith engagement for child wellbeing to create a loving and caring environment for children and youth to grow up in.

WVPNG has ten active projects in Morobe Province working in WASH, Education, Livelihoods, Health in Immunization, and COVID Response. The Child Well Being Project will bring the entire projects WVPNG operates in the province to eleven.

To ensure the Child Well Being Programs success, WVPNG will train project staff from our Rispectim Yu Yet, Rispectim Narapela Na Yumi Sanap Wantaim program, parents, youths, and faith leaders from the Bumbu, Kamkumung, and Miles settlement using Faith-Based Approaches to benefit more than 3000 beneficiaries.

Father Brian Nonde, CMM Parish priest of Saint Steven’s Catholic Church laying his hands on a ‘youth faith leader that had undertaken the 3 day Child Well Being Training to bless the launch of the Program in Lae.


Valuing the input from its various government and non-government partners, under this project World Vision PNG is collaborating with the Missionaries of Marrianhill Catholic Church in Morobe.
The program will ensure the mobilization of communities, exchange of knowledge, information, and resource sharing is achieved with a clear intention of creating an environment where children are loved, nurtured, and raised according to Christian principles.

The MoA was officially signed following a dedication service at the Saint Stevens Catholic Church in Lae on Sunday 31st January 2021.