Six months on Syria’s earthquake survivors are still unhoused and at risk of starvation -World Vision

Six months on Syria’s earthquake survivors are still unhoused and at risk of starvation -World Vision
Saturday, August 5, 2023

Extreme heat caused by soaring temperatures have created fires that have killed and damaged hundred of tents.  

August 6, 2023: International aid agency World Vision, has warned that six months after the devastating earthquake hit, the humanitarian situation in Northwest Syria is worse than ever before.  

“Half a year has passed since the devastating earthquake struck Northwest Syria and Southern Türkiye and Syrians are dealing with its aftereffects, on top of ongoing distress caused by conflict, economic downturn, a cholera outbreak, and harsh weather conditions.” said Johan Mooij, World Vision’s Syria Response Director, and harsh weather conditions.” said Johan Mooij, World Vision’s Syria Response Director 

“In Northwest Syria, a growing concern lies in the increasing number of families still living in temporary shelters. Approximately 265,000 people, whose homes were destroyed by the earthquakes, are in need of proper housing. Compounding this crisis, extreme summer heat has sparked a series of devastating fires, in just three days between July 15 and 17, over 40 fires, triggered by soaring temperatures. To date in 2023, reports reveal that more than 180 fire incidents have taken place, causing five deaths and damaging over 220 tents." 

The child focussed aid organisation warns that the situation in Northwest Syria is growing increasingly complex with the introduction of food ration cuts. This action places approximately 2.5 million individuals at imminent risk of severe hunger, exacerbating an already escalating crisis. Food insecurity has swelled alarmingly, with levels rising over 50% since 2015, affecting an estimated 12.1 million people. Amid this context, malnutrition rates are at an all-time high, with one in four pregnant and nursing mothers acutely malnourished, and one in four children stunted in some areas of the country. As of 21 July, the Humanitarian Response Plan for 2023, which requests $5.3 billion, is only 13 per cent funded halfway through the year, raising serious concerns among the humanitarian community. 

"In this world of plenty, no child should go hungry. We're working with key stakeholders to provide lifesaving assistance to those in urgent need, address the root causes of hunger, and collaborate on a global scale to help construct more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable food systems that elevate food security, fortify nutrition, enhance health and education, and strengthen the protection measures for children, families, and communities worldwide."

“Despite the bleak circumstances, the resilience of the people and the tireless work of World Vision and its partners offer a beacon of hope. However, the need for international assistance and attention remains critical. As we observe the half-year anniversary of the earthquake, we implore individuals, businesses, governments, and international bodies to rally in support of the victims of this crisis, to help them rebuild and recover.” said Mooji 


Notes to editor 

 For more information, please contact:  Hamzah Barhameyeh, World Vision Syria Response Communications & Advocacy Manager, Email:  

World Vision is a global humanitarian organisation dedicated to working with children, families and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. 

For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter @WorldVisionSR. 

World Vision Syria Response has been operating inside Syria, Jordan and Türkiye since 2011, where we provide life-saving protection, education, WASH, livelihoods and health services to refugees and local communities. 

World Vision’s primary focus is to empower earthquake survivors to reclaim their livelihoods and ensuring the well-being of children. We believe firmly in the power of community resilience and are working diligently to bridge the gap between beneficiaries and livelihood opportunities. We are empowering families through initiatives like the Cash and Voucher Program, technical vocational educational training, small enterprise development, and cash-for-work schemes. Our goal is to foster hope within these affected people and restore individual dignity and control, promoting long-lasting positive outcomes. In delivering these services, World Vision is currently reaching out to a total of 803,483 beneficiaries in Syria and Türkiye, of which 176,053 are boys and 190,583 are girls.”