Stories and drawings about ending child violence win award

The committee of the campaign “I use my voice against children´s abuse” awarded the best drawing and stories related to child Protection Rights and Living without violence.
The contest started last month and this Thursday July 4th awarded three categories: children, teenagers and youth. One of the main objectives for this celebration is to sensitize the Nicaraguan population to be against violence and to promote participation and reflection on Protection´s rights and living without violence
The invitation to participate in drawings and writing a story was supported by universities and churches. Children of twenty different municipalities – nine departments- participated.
At each department a first prize was given. The jury chose the winner according to the categories.
The winner´s names were revealed in a special celebration at the Nicaraguan Sports and Culture Institute on July 4th.
In the event participated children, teenagers, youth and members of the campaign committee: "I use my voice against children´s abuse", churches and universities’ representatives and other partners from Government and private organizations.
World Vision held a research on violence in the urban and rural communities from Nicaragua and identified that 60% of adults and youth are not willing to have an intervention to stop children's abuse. Only 38% would raise their voice. In this sense, the main objective for this campaign is raising awareness about this issue to the population so we can have a change of habits with children.