First Christian Women's Retreat for WV Niger

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

God, in His great love, laid it on the heart of leadership of World Vision Niger to organize a retreat for Christian female staff of the organization for the first time. Thus from 12 to 13 January 2015, 36 women from all the offices of WV Niger converged at Tapoa with Mrs. Delma Aoua coming from Burkina Faso to lead the occasion.

The theme chosen by the women was, "The balance between family life, professional life and spiritual life."

Because life is a struggle, as the apostle Paul said, nothing is acquired without sacrifice.

Mrs. Aoua highlighted a number of aspects with which we encounter difficulties in managing our time. These included:

  • The limited space we give to God daily
  • The limited space we give to our children and husbands
  • The limited space we give to ourselves

The solution to this tripartite balance can only come from God through: the search for the anointing of God, prayer and new resolutions that will draw us closer to God and our families while respecting and improving ourselves in our professional life.