Our Partners
No organization can tackle poverty and injustice alone. We are privileged to work with likeminded partners in our goal to improve the lives of children in Niger.
Our Partnerships
We are privileged to work with many partners to build a better world for children of Niger. Some of those we work with include:

Featured Partners
Food and Agriculture Organization: Helping Families Be Self-Reliant
We are partnering with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States to increase access to food and improve the nutritional status of children from vulnerable families, especially those who have been displaced by violence.

World Food Programme, Fighting Desertification in Niger
The World Food Programme (WFP) and World Vision in Niger are partnered to provide a livelihood for 90 villages just like Iskita with a Cash-for-Work project. With research from the local authorities on the villages most vulnerable to increasing desertification, the partners worked with the communities to identify the most vulnerable households and provide them with work.
The project also worked to restore lands, with the selected household digging water retention ditches and planting wild grass. The project had an enormous impact on the villages and the lives of its participants. , Households, now making 32,500 FCFA (65 USD), are able to feed themselves and ensure their children are educated. Some have even been able to use the money for other ventures.

Partnership with UKAID Provides Access to Water and Sanitation for Refugees
Through the UKAID funded MERF Project, five communities welcoming refugees have received new boreholes. More than 2,150 people have been educated on proper sanitation and hygiene practices, receiving over 1200 hygiene kits and constructing more than 410 latrines, benefitting over 6,800 refugees, most of whom are children.