Women, Adolescent and Young Child-friendly Spaces (WAYCS) in Emergencies

Women, Adolescent and Young Child-friendly Spaces (WAYCS), also known as Baby-friendly tents or Baby-friendly corners, are safe, low-stress spaces where mothers can breastfeed, rest, eat and receive skilled counselling and targeted advice about breastfeeding and nutrition. Here are some examples of World Vision's WAYCS:
World Vision supported breastfeeding in Nepal after the earthquake
Watch what World Vision Uganda is doing to support South Sudanese refugee mothers
World Vision set up Women, Adolescent and Young Child Spaces in Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan - see video above
Other ways World Vision protected breastfeeding in Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan and here
World Vision has created guidance documents on breastfeeding-friendly tents and WAYCS.