CMAM Impact Report
World Vision has adopted the community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) approach as one of our core models for addressing child malnutrition. CMAM is an internationally accepted model endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF to treat acute malnutrition in children under age five. The evidence base for CMAM programs was established by 2006 with the publication of an analysis of 21 program implemented between 2001 and 20053. CMAM was endorsed in a 2007 United Nations Joint Statement and has shown significant impact at relatively low cost. World Vision started CMAM programs in 2006 in Ethiopia, Sudan and Niger and has since expanded to 15 countries. Together with partners like UNICEF, World Vision has advocated for and supported the integration of CMAM in the routine child health care services in these countries. CMAM programs work with communities to identify, manage and prevent wasting. This encourages community ownership and sustainability.
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