Go Baby Go - An Integrated Model For Early Childhood Development
Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Grand Challenge Award, in 2014 November, World Vision Armenia (WVA) conducted a research project, called 'Go Baby Go! ? the Equalizer'. The research intended to pilot test the effectiveness of an integrated ECD and maternal, newborn and childhood health (MNCH) interventions, comparing it against the WVA traditional MNCH program.
Go Baby Go intervention package includes the following:
- WV developed and adapted resources,
- established and capacitated delivery platforms, such as GBG facilitators (community active, educated women, social workers, nurses, etc.) and the primarealth care cadres
- behaviour change communication (group sessions) among Children Under 3 (CU3), parents, family members on integrated ECD, health, nutrition and child protection,and
- appropriate ECD counseling, screening and early referrals in case of ECD delays, deviations among CU3
Learn more about WV Go Baby Go Programming: https://www.wvi.org/maternal-newborn-and-child-health/go-baby-go