publication / March 5, 2025
East Asia Capacity Statement | Child Protection & Participation
At World Vision, we believe every child has the right to live free from harm. Yet, across East Asia, nearly 60% of children experience violence before they reach adulthood, and millions face the threat of trafficking, exploitation, and neglect. These realities demand urgent action.
publication / February 18, 2025
School Meals Report Card #1
World Vision School Meals Report Card #1
publication / March 3, 2025
Nota de orientación: garantizar que los niños no se queden atrás
Un grupo de organizaciones y plataformas de la sociedad civil de todo el mundo se han unido para encargar una revisión independiente del informe de Revisión Nacional Voluntaria (ENV) presentado por los países al Foro Político de Alto Nivel.
publication / March 3, 2025
Guidance Note: Ensuring Children are Not Left Behind
This Guidance Note provides specific recommendations to Member States on how to include children’s rights, including children’s participation, in VNRs at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). It follows the general structure of the Secretary-General’s updated voluntary common reporting guidelines for VNRs2 (the Guidelines), which were most recently updated in November 2019. It also provides examples of good practices from other VNRs from 2017-2019. In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this paper defines “children” as people below the age of 18.
video / November 20, 2024
On World Children's Day we want to make sure their opinions count
We reaffirm that every child has the right 'to grow, learn, play, develop and flourish with dignity'. World Vision Afghanistan is dedicated to enhancing the wellbeing of Afghan girls and boys, and helping them thrive. This entails including them in the decisions we make that affect their lives and their communities.
By listening to them and making sure their opinions count, we recognise their inherent value, reinforce their agency, and give them reason to believe that their future can be full of possibilities.
publication / February 11, 2025
Guia de Ação
Um guia de ação do fim de semana de oração e ação contra a fome.
publication / February 11, 2025
World Vision South Sudan FY2024 Annual Report
World Vision South Sudan FY24 Annual Report
article / March 6, 2025
Cambodian youth advocate uses regional stage to urge inclusive decision making
Paris was selected to join the National Children and Youth Council of Cambodia (CYC) as the youngest representative. Passionate about child nutrition and food security, he led a child/youth-led research project under the hashtag#ENOUGH campaign, aligning with hashtag#SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being.
At the 12th The @Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) in Bangkok, Paris shared his research findings and experiences in two key side events, advocating for inclusive solutions for child health and emphasizing the role of children in achieving the SDGs.
article / March 5, 2025
DR Congo: Chosen continues to be an unforgettable experience for the children of Karawa AP.
This article illustrates the Chosen event organized by World Vision in Karawa, North-Ubangi province. Unlike the usual practices where sponsors select children, here, the children themselves had the opportunity to choose their sponsor from a photo exhibition. The event took place in a festive atmosphere, where the children took their time to select their sponsor based on the inspiration they felt from the photos. Children and their families shared this joyful and communal moment, with dancing, singing, and a communal meal at the end of the day. The impact of this activity was emphasized by the community, notably by the neighborhood chief, who expressed that this project gave more dignity to the children, positioning them not just as beneficiaries, but also as actors of their future.