From Deforestation to Restoration: How FMNR is Transforming Senetwo Sublocation, West Pokot

The community in Senetwo Sublocation, Chepareria, West Pokot County has witnessed remarkable improvements in their environmental and farming practices since the introduction of the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) approach by World Vision. The sublocation that was once characterized by rampant charcoal burning leading to extensive deforestation and land degradation is now enjoying the benefits that come with increased tree cover as a result of environmental conservation.
“We are grateful to God for World Vision,” says Mark Lokotong’o, the Assistant Chief of Senetwo Sublocation. “They have greatly benefitted our community by introducing FMNR, which has allowed us to regenerate our forests naturally. The method teaches farmers that beneath the surface, there are live stumps that can be revitalized. By enclosing and protecting these areas from livestock, trees naturally regenerate, and the forest gradually regrows on its own.”

World Vision through the Central Rift Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Scale-Up Project (CRIFSUP) trained 1,000 smallholder farmers and pastoralists (lead farmers) across four counties (Nakuru, Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and West Pokot) in Kenya on FMNR and other restoration techniques. This initiative funded by the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) mandates the lead farmers to each train ten other farmers (replicate farmers) in their village ensuring the widespread uptake of FMNR.
Mark is one of the replicate farmers trained by Samson, a lead farmer and Person living with Disability (PWD), whose remarkable work in tree regeneration has inspired him. “Samson is a symbol of hope in this community, challenging farmers to do more. His dedication to FMNR is even more impressive considering his circumstances,” Mark notes.
According to Mark, FMNR, a simple tree regeneration technique, is a personal journey that has brought tangible results. “I have practiced FMNR on my land and am proud of the progress made. Before, my wife had to travel far to fetch firewood, which often led to conflict in our household, but this has since reduced. My wife now simply walks to our farm, where we’ve pruned trees as a family and gathers firewood, spending minimal time in the process,” he explains.

The introduction of FMNR has also led to a shift in the way the community in Senetwo manages livestock. Previously, they let livestock, particularly goats roam freely but now they are kept within a designated area to prevent them from destroying crops and regenerating trees.
Thanks to improved tree cover and soil regeneration, Mark points out that rivers that were once dry have started to flow again. “Once the rivers dried up, we had to go with our livestock as far as the Ugandan border in search of water,” he recalls.
The benefits of FMNR have extended far beyond the environment. The village elder often had to mediate disputes over firewood, but now conflicts have significantly reduced in the area since everyone can access firewood on their farms.

Additionally, there has been an increase in agricultural productivity due to increased soil fertility and reduced soil erosion. “The gulleys that were once deep and dangerous have been filled in, thanks to the trees and grass that now cover the land. We are also building terraces to prevent further soil loss,” Mark states, adding that they have had increased crop yields on their farm.
As a passionate advocate for FMNR, Mark desires the approach to be adopted widely, especially in arid and semi-arid areas: “The government should invest more in FMNR, as it has proven to be a sustainable solution, particularly in regions where land degradation is a major challenge.”
Mark is filled with gratitude when he ponders the progress his community has made. “We were once pastoralists, focusing mainly on livestock, but now we have expanded our farming to include crops,” he adds with a smile. I no longer see vegetable farming as only a woman’s role. I also go to the vegetable farm myself to sow, weed, and harvest.”
Encouraging his community to adopt a more self-sufficient mindset he says, “ Don’t spend money buying whatever you can produce on your farm. Grow your own vegetables, maize, rear cattle for milk. Let your money be spent on items you can’t grow like sugar or tea leaves.” This mindset has enabled his family to save money and improve their overall well-being.
Mark views himself as an integral part of the Senetwo farming community, leading them by example rather than authority. “I’m not just an Assistant Chief; I am part of these farmers. I live among them, and they see me practicing what I preach. This motivates them to double their efforts in restoring and protecting our environment,” he explains.

Mark’s influence in his sublocation highlights the vital role of administrative and opinion leaders in guiding communities toward an improved quality of life through essential support and knowledge transfer.
By Hellen Owuor, Communications Specialist (CRIFSUP), World Vision Kenya