Meet Jean Baptiste Kamate (JBK)
Born and raised in Mali, I have gone hungry, drank unsafe water and lived in poverty. My early experiences in life drive my passion for international development and humanitarian work. As the Chief Field Operations Officer, I oversee World Vision's global field operations across 83 countries in four continents, including micro-finance institutions in 23 countries. I am deeply grateful for my work with World Vision, as it allows me to witness transformation in the lives of the most vulnerable.
About JBK
About JBK
- International development executive and humanitarian expert
- Led World Vision operations across West Africa and East Africa, and country programmes in Mali, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda
- Holds a PhD from Regent University in Virginia Beach (USA)
- Devoted husband and a proud father of two children

Dive Into JBK's Thought Leader Articles
JBK's Humanitarian Development Passions
Ending child hunger
Global hunger may have decreased each decade since the 1980s, but it’s now on the rise again. Food prices have spiralled since the COVID-19 pandemic, and there are many other causes of hunger and food insecurity complicating the situation, including conflict and climate change. World Vision has launched a global hunger campaign called ENOUGH.
Access to clean water
Every day, many children around the globe go to bed thirsty and hungry because they do not have clean water. One thousand children die daily because of unsafe water, sanitation and consequently, lack of hygiene. Water is life: it is about job creation, safety, productivity, education, health and ultimately sustainability.
Financial inclusion
Millions of people globally do not have something as simple as a bank account, which means that they do not have access to credit, loans, savings or insurance. Most of them live in poverty and/or conflict-affected areas and women are disproportionally affected. But, with World Vision's help, every 60 seconds a family receives the tools to overcome poverty. We make this happen by working hand-in-hand with VisionFund.

JBK's Personal Reflections
Advocating for Children
Connect with JBK
Connect with JBK
To contact JBK for media opportunities, email Virginia Cizek.
Follow JBK on Linkedin and X for the latest updates on events and stories from the field.