Joint Learning Initiative for Faith and Local communities

Joint Learning Initiative for Faith and Local Communities (JLI) is an international collaboration to develop and communicate evidence on local faith actors’ roles and contributions to development and humanitarian action for community well-being.
Since 2012, World Vision has worked closely with JLI to build evidence on strategic faith engagement to inform and improve our programming, strengthen the broader develop humanitarian and development sector’s and develop policy recommendations on the role of faith and local faith actors.
Through Learning Hubs including Local Faith Mobilisation, Ending Violence Against Children, Peace and Conflict, we have supported scoping studies on key issues, developed policy papers and hosted webinars and in-person learning events. These studies have informed policy dialogue, multilateral engagement and led to a range of working groups, guidance documents and innovative approaches within donor and multilateral partners.
Together with other partners, we co-hosted the Localizing Response Conference in Sri Lanka in 2017, the 2018 Faith Action for Children on the Move Conference, and the Local Humanitarian Leadership- Amman: The role of Local Faith Actors in implementing the Global Compact on Refugees (2019) all bringing together local faith actors with policy makers and humanitarian and development leaders.
Currently, we are continuing collaboration to build evidence, but also pushing a localization agenda, encouraging more local approaches to evidence-building and the use of evidence. Through the Leadership and Learning Hubs, World Vision continues to learn from and influence our peers—ultimately leading to more effective and strategic faith engagement that leads to thriving and flourishing communities.