Royal DSM

Royal DSM is a global, purpose-led company in Health, Nutrition & Bioscience, applying science to improve the health of people, animals and the planet. DSM’s purpose is to create brighter lives for all. DSM is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of vitamins, nutritional ingredients and food fortification technologies. World Vision’s partnership with Royal DSM was formed a decade ago. Tested during 2013-2016, the collaboration was strategically iterated in 2017 into Joining Forces for Last Mile Nutrition (JF4LMN) Public Private Partnership (PPP) between World Vision, Royal DSM and Sight and Life Foundation (SAL) - focusing on business model innovation across nutrition value chains. Since 2020, DSM Brighter Living Foundation joined as a financing partner.
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Bringing prosperity and good nutrition to the last mile communities

The JF4LMN is a mature and scale-up ready PPP prioritising promising and evidence-based innovation in human and animal nutrition, delivering impact through cross-sector integration of economic development, livelihoods, resilience, agriculture and food security. It is currently operational in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Philippines and Brazil targeting improved livelihoods and better nutrition outcomes for the most vulnerable communities at the last mile.
We know that access to proper nutrition is at the heart of realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's): well-nourished children are 33% more likely to escape the vicious cycle of poverty when they grow up and the JF4LMN PPP was born to enable it.
Aiming to increase availability, accessibility, aspiration for and adequate consumption of affordable nutrition by the most vulnerable people at risk of micronutrient deficiencies, especially children and women – the JF4LMN is directly contributing to SDGs #1-no poverty, #2-zero hunger, #8-decent work and economic growth; while harnessing the SDGs #9-innovation, #10-reduced inequalities, #17-partnerships.
In collaboration with local Governments, NGOs and Social Enterprises - the JF4LMN is successfully operating in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Philippines and Brazil. Its scale-up is envisioned and feasible across East and Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. These programs are aiming to transform the food systems and close the micronutrient gap for increasing access to affordable nutrition and nutritionally improved products, improving livelihoods, enhancing resilience, transforming the maize, soy, egg and fish agri-food value chains.
Through its current pilots, the JF4LMN is contributing to health and nutrition SDGs by impacting the lives of 1850 vulnerable women and children in Indonesia and Ethiopia for improved nutrition through increased egg uptake during 2021-2022 with a scale-up target of 600,000 in Indonesia and 340,000 in Ethiopia during 2023-2025. In Brazil, the pilot will benefit 3000 households 2023, with a scale-up target of 60,000 households benefiting from 14.2m affordable quality nutrition by 2028. In Philippines, 80,000 pregnant and lactating women will benefit from MMS during 2022-2023, giving birth to and raising healthy children with improved nutrition – scaling to 1 million women of childbearing age accessing and using MMS consistently 2024 onward.
On livelihood and resilience front – in 2021 the JF4LMN PPP has impacted the lives of 7000 Rwandan smallholder maize farmers who benefited from market linkages and improved income, leading to 35,000 families with 20,000 children in Rwanda having more quality food on the table, more time with their family, more disposable income. 340,000 smallholder grain farmers across EAST AFRICA will be able to benefit from market linkages and improved income upon scale up, resulting in 1.5 million family members and 1 million children in EAST AFRICA benefiting from increased nutrition and income. The investment in 30 Ethiopian smallholder poultry farmers trained and mobilized to improve productivity and income in the egg value chain during 2022 bears the scale-up potential of 2,430 smallholder poultry farmers in Ethiopia having a producers network by 2025.
Together World Vision, Royal DSM, Sight and Life Foundation have a long history of strategic engagement in support of Agenda 2030 - leveraging knowledge, skills, networks, operating platforms, assets, financial and human resources. In 2021 we have capitalised on the multiplier effect of working together and successfully utilised both the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) and the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) platforms. Jointly, we promoted PPPs with market solutions as a vehicle, called for prioritization and resourcing of Food Systems Strengthening (FSS) and Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation (MMS) for improved nutrition.