UNICEF and World Vision share a long history of collaboration, co-operation and impact, not least because of our similar mission statements on child-wellbeing, the full realisation of children’s rights and their meaningful participation in decisions made about them. We collaborate and partner in some of the toughest places and under some of the most challenging circumstances – across all areas of our work. From public advocacy to programme implementation, we work to reduce the inequities that prevent so many millions of children from getting a good start in life – from being nurtured, educated, protected, cared for and safe.

Our global partnership, most recently renewed in 2016, focuses on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, child protection, humanitarian and emergency settings, child rights, development, and global strategic advocacy and policy discussions as their priority areas of collaboration. For World Vision, UNICEF is one of its top ten partners out of 400 priority external strategic partnerships, and among the three top United Nations agencies.


Over recent years areas of joint advocacy between World Vision and UNICEF have included the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly national implementation of  the Sustainable Development Goals and their global follow up and review; HIV/AIDS; Financing for Development; and strong participation in the Global Partnership on Ending Violence Against Children. UNICEF also provides significant and crucial funding to support World Vision’s work in the areas of providing clean, safe water and proper sanitation and hygiene; education; child protection, especially ending violence against children; health and nutrition and in emergency humanitarian response.


With a focus on implementation at the national level to help governments and communities scale up programmes that achieve results, as well as to measure progress and share lessons learned, UNICEF and World Vision work together to establish mechanisms to track progress for children in the SDGs; identify emerging issues for children; and amplify children’s voices around the world.

World Vision’s ending violence, your work on seven strategies [INSPIRE] and conversations on harmful practices are both useful and timely and I look forward to helping and partnering with you on your five year campaign [It Takes a World to End Violence Against Children].

Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF