World Bank

The World Bank Group’s policies, operations, programmes and financing have significant impact on children, making the Bank a powerful influencer in international development and development finance. Thus, the World Bank has been a priority stakeholder for World Vision for over 25 years. Our relationship began with collaborations on the Participatory Learning and Project Cycle Reform processes at the global level, and the Uganda Programme to Alleviate Poverty and the Social Conditions of Adjustment at the country level.
Since these early engagements, World Vision has significantly expanded its advocacy, programmatic and technical engagement with the World Bank through a broad range of initiatives and collaborations.
World Vision actively participates in World Bank-led technical forums and working groups, including the Steering Committee of the Moral Imperative (MI), the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA), and the Partnership for Economic Inclusion. Our technical and advocacy engagements and collaborations have focused on issues such as gender equality and social inclusion, fragility, conflict and violence, social protection and cash transfers, education, climate change and financial inclusion.
World Vision has also implemented numerous projects financed either directly or indirectly by the World Bank. Notable recent projects include a social accountability project in Cambodia, a crisis recovery project in Somalia, a nutrition project in Senegal, and a drought response in Angola.
Additionally, World Vision has contributed to numerous strategic processes and consultations at global, regional and national levels, including the development and review of the World Bank’s Fragility, Conflict and Violence (FCV) Strategy, the Evolution Roadmap Process, IDA21 replenishment, and World Bank Annual Meetings and Civil Society Policy Forum.