Child Health Now Cambodia: Public Launch

Monday, October 23, 2000


Approximately 340 people joined together for the launch of Child Health Now in Cambodia last month – a campaign to address the ongoing challenge of malnutrition in Cambodia.

Up to 40% of children in Cambodia are malnourished, an issue that requires increased prioritization and coordination to address.

Youth, children, community leaders, NGO workers, business leaders and all levels of government were represented at the event. The event included speeches from a Cambodian business leader incorporating nutrition into their practices, World Vision Cambodia’s National Director Jason Evans, and the keynote address and launch declaration from the Deputy Prime Minister Dr Yim Chhay Ly, who is also the chairperson of the national coordinating body for food security and nutrition in Cambodia.

Child Health Now is a welcome addition to the fight for improved nutrition in Cambodia. Malnutrition is an issue that has remained stagnate for too long and many NGOs and government institutions are disenchanted with the limited progress being made. With fresh policy approaches and a focus on public perceptions, Child Health Now brings important fresh energy to Cambodia’s nutrition efforts. The event called on participants to “Look again” and “Think again” about nutrition as a multi-sector issue, not just about health.

The event was also attended by a wide range of media, helping to share the message of Child Health Now all around the country. In the days following the launch, Child Health Now has had:
• 7 television reports, plus one 15 minute live TV spot on a daily talk show.
• 2 radio reports and several newspaper reports.

One highlight of the event were two video clips. One was a Khmer version of World Vision’s First 1000 Days Peter Pan video, and a second representing youth views on malnutrition in Phnom Penh.