Hygiene kits to earthquake-affected communities in Makira
Hygiene kits bound for Makira are loaded to a ship chartered by the National Disaster management Office. Photo: Langi Pitia/World Vision
World Vision dispatched over 180 more hygiene kits to earthquake-affected communities around Makira, Makira/Ulawa Province.
The kits, funded by the New Zealand Government, will be distributed in six wards that are still in need following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and sea surge that hit the province on 9 December 2016.
World Vision has also dispatched hygiene kits days after the disaster to earthquake-affected communities in the Shortland Islands and Guadalcanal.
The kits contain items, to help those whose homes have been damaged, to keep their families healthy like soap, razors, detergent, sanitary pads, diapers and blankets. The kits were requested by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services as part of the Solomon Islands Government’s response to the disaster.
Staff preparing the hygiene kits bound for earthquake-affected communities in Makira. Photo: Langi Pitia/World Vision
“The New Zealand Government is pleased to be able to assist the good work of the National Disaster Management Office, the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, and World Vision by providing much needed hygiene kits to the people of Makira” said New Zealand Deputy High Commissioner, Tim Breese.
The earthquake affected over 30,000 people in Makira with damage to homes, food gardens, schools, clinics, bridges and roads.
Initially, World Vision distributed shelter kits to affected communities in Makira. The shelter kits, which were also funded by the New Zealand Government, contained tarpaulins and building tools to help families who were made homeless by the earthquake build temporary shelters.
World Vision deployed staff as members of the government assessment team in the province as well as providing smartphones for rapid assessments.
"World Vision is an active member of the Health Sector Committee and through discussions with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, World Health Organisation and our Makira Area Program team, we learned from initial assessments after the December earthquake that there is still considerable need in some communities in remote areas of Makira for hygiene kits. The New Zealand Government has been very kind in helping us address these needs and have allowed us to send pre-positioned supplies to these communities. I hope this helps to ease their burden and I wish them a quick recovery," said Janes Ginting, World Vision Solomon Islands Country Director.
Hygiene kits at Point Cruz wharf. Photo: Langi Pitia/World Vision
World Vision has taken up the offer from the National Disaster Management Office of space on the chartered boat that is heading to Makira for additional distributions.
Mike Puia
Communications Officer
Email: mike_puia@wvi.org
Mobile: (677) 8833544