2020 Digital Health Factsheet: Burundi
After realising that some of the monitoring techniques they were using could be overlooking some children who were suffering from malnutrition, World Vision Burundi’s Bio-fortified Value Chains for Improved Maternal & Child Nutrition (B4MCN) project began introducing CommCare in 2019 and trained community health workers (CHWs) to use it effectively. This multi-stakeholder approach that included input from multiple government ministries and UNICEF has added a great amount of value, as it readily combines data for both weight and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) information to clearly indicate the child’s nutritional status. Now all children in the project area who suffer from malnutrition due to wasting or to being underweight receive the appropriate support.
The B4MCN project is supported by World Vision Australia and the Australian Government’s Australian NGO Cooperation Program.