World Vision Syria Response Annual Report Financial Year 2021
In 2021 World Vision has been able to reach out millions of people in need across three countries: Jordan, Syria and Turkey. None of them choose voluntarily to flee Syria or to become displaced inside the country. Nobody wants to be vulnerable and depend on the support of others.
As humanitarians, we do everything in our power to address their needs as they seek for safety. It is our duty and privilege to support where we can in the realization that we are not always able to solve the root causes of their suffering. However, understanding these causes and aiming to address the humanitarian consequences is what we do, every day again. Almost 200 people in the Syria Response team work to achieve our shared goal: that every Syrian child lives their life in all its fullness.
This report looks at the impact of our work over the past year and looks forward to our future as we continue to serve the world's most vulnerable populations in some of the most hard-to-reach areas and fragile contexts.