2022 Annual Report - Ethiopia
World Vision is motivated by our desire to serve God and improve the lives of vulnerable children worldwide. We aspire to see a world where all children are free from need and can reach their full potential. Driven by our deep commitment to holistic child wellbeing, World Vision strives to ensure that every child gets the indispensable needs that help him/her grow – in mind, body, and spirit, empowering them to live life fully as created by God.
In the year 2022, World Vision Ethiopia impacted the lives of over 7.6 Million people including 1.7Million boys and 1.8 Million girls through integrated development interventions; including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Integrated Livelihoods and Nutrition Security (ILaNS), Child Protection and Participation (CPP), Education and Life Skills (EdLS), Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs (HEA), Community Engagement and Sponsorship Plan (CESP) as well as grants projects.
Furthermore, World Vision Ethiopia mobilised US$ 170,331,600 through support from bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations, governments, and various World Vision Support Offices.