2018 Annual Report - Mali
You will find in this report progresses accomplished through our various programmes and projects: education, health, sponsorship, water, hygiene and sanitation, food security, resilience, micro finance networks, Eco – agriculture in the Sahel, emergency relief.
Progress accomplished during this year were possible thanks to the support of faithful donors of the sponsorship programme in the United States of America, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, France, Taiwan, South Korea, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain and special projects funded by churches, foundations and private individuals.
The support of the Malian government through government technical departments, communities for their involvement, other partners for the good collaboration and World Vision staff for their commitment and availability.
Other results to which you contributed and which should be shared are presented in this report you are invited to read. On behalf of all World Vision staff, we thank you for your contribution to improve the well-being of children in Mali.