2021 Annual Report - Senegal
We are extremely delighted to bring to you World Vision's Senegal Annual Report for the year 2021 – which demonstrates our contribution to the well-being of children and communities in Senegal despite the COVID-19 pandemic, which was a colossal disruption, as well as our continued commitment to reach out to children and impact their lives.
Since 1984, World Vision has worked in Senegal taking a stand against the despair of vulnerable children, advocating for their well-being, and being a voice for the voiceless and a partner for poor and oppressed communities.
For the year 2021, we are proud to have contributed to the following, among many other achievements:
- A significant improvement in reading skills: The proportion of children in the CE1 class who have reached at least a minimum level of proficiency in reading has increased from 22% to 34%.
- The remarkable progress of the population concerning the declaration of children in the civil status from their birth, with the proportion of children, who declared the civil status from their birth, rose from 14% to 84%.
- A significant improvement in the protective environment children with the proportion of children who think their community is a safe place, which increased from 59 % to 64%.
- A slight decrease in child marriage: The proportion of girls married before the age of 18 has decreased from 6.4% to 5.8%.
- An improvement in the nutrition of children and of the newborns, with the proportion of children exclusively breastfed until the age of 6 months, has increased from 23% to 55%.
- A marked improvement in children’s learning opportunities, with the proportion of adolescents who report having learning opportunities that can lead to a productive life increasing from 42% to 97%.
All this work would not have been possible without the unconditional support of our partners, and donors, from all over the world and we take this opportunity to thank them. We also take this opportunity to thank all the front-line workers, and leadership of world vision Senegal, who work tirelessly to see the results we are presenting today.
Outlook for 2022
Our ambition for our 2022 financial year is to continue to pool our resources and maximise these achievements in collaboration with the government and all our various partners. The priorities for the fiscal year 2022 will be to build on the experience and significant progress in scaling innovation that we have made in recent years and to implement programs that will continue to improve the well-being of Senegalese children as we refine our policies and practices. World Vision’s Our Promise Phase Two, Going Further Than We Imagined, calls for “Realising Benefits at Scale. World Vision Senegal will work alongside the communities, and the government of Senegal to scale our impact on children, their families, and the communities they live in, as we chart a path towards achieving the sustainable development goals.
We count on all our partners to achieve this.
May the Lord protect you!