2021 Annual Report - Sudan
In 2021, Sudan continued to face major shocks ranging from: COVID-19, floods, poor macroeconomic conditions, and inter-communal conflicts that further worsened the country's humanitarian situation. There was a 45% increase in the number of vulnerable people, according to the humanitarian needs analysis conducted in December of 2020.
According to the Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview 2021, 13.4 million people were in need, 7.3 million of them in dire need of emergency assistance for life-threatening needs- nearly half are children. To respond to the increasing humanitarian needs, World Vision stepped up its efforts to reach more vulnerable people.
2021 key highlights:
- 900,000 people received food and cash assistance
- More than 200,000 children under five screened for malnutrition
- More than 82,000 people had access to water, sanitation and hygiene services
- 77 primary health facilities adequately equipped to provide lifesaving health and nutrition services
- More than 73,000 children actively engaged as agents of peace building and child protection activities
- More than 54,000 vulnerable children directly benefitted from the school feeding programme