Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Scaling-Up Business Plan (2023 - 2033)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

World Vision has led the charge to bring these invisible forests back to life for over two decades with a powerful technique called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). FMNR involves regrowing trees from stumps with living root systems through careful pruning and protection. Combined with other land restoration techniques, it’s far more effective than planting trees and works in the world’s toughest climates.

Over this time, we have seen FMNR enthusiastically adopted, championed, and spread by individuals, communities, and partners worldwide, transforming land and lives. This has proven FMNR to be a highly effective solution and an eminently scalable one.

As a global Partnership, World Vision will lead a bold vision to restore a billion hectares of degraded land by scaling FMNR to benefit current and future generations of children.
World Vision Zambia is committed to supporting this global Partnership initiative and vision. This National FMNR Scaling Business Plan outlines how World Vision Zambia will mobilise its people, partners, and resources to scale FMNR across Zambia over the next 10 years.