Global Hunger Response: Health and Nutrition Capacity Statement
The world is in a massive hunger crisis, yet it continues to face global health crises. The COVID-19 pandemic; recent cholera and measles outbreaks; and the rapid spread of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue, exacerbated by the climate crisis, have created an increasingly complex global public health landscape, but children face the greatest risk. Chronic hunger and malnutrition affect children's physical and mental (or intellectual) development, resulting in disability, poor health, and the future loss of livelihood.
As part of our global hunger response, we aim to increase access to curative and preventative quality emergency health and nutrition services for those affected by food insecurity. Our global reach, government partnerships, and grassroots connections empower children, families, and communities to ensure they can access essential health and nutrition services in the immediate aftermath of a disaster and strengthen health and nutrition systems to meet the immediate and longer-term needs of affected populations. Through better access to health and nutrition services, lasting behavioural change, and community connections, families and communities are supported to understand, monitor, and protect themselves from public health risks, so children and families can survive and thrive.
World Vision is bolstering nutrition monitoring systems in 40+ countries, including strengthening capacities within health ministries, and, since 2005, our programmes have focussed on the prevention and treatment of wasting in 32 countries, half of which are in the top 20 fragile states.
Learn more about our work and experience, differentiators, key interventions, and our donors and partners by downloading the statement.