Capacity Statement: Education in Emergencies

Monday, May 27, 2024


Catch Up Program has been adapted and piloted in Ukraine and conducted literacy and numeracy skills assessment. UCR will apply and use this approach both in Ukraine and Moldova for IDPs and returnees’ children who has lost learning due to displacement.

EiE and Protracted Crisis Approach willl be used through formal and non-formal education to create access to quality education for both refugees, IDPs and hosting community children. This includes summer camp, after-school, CFS and integration to host community schools.

IMPACT + to support adolescent boy s and girls through language, basic communication and life skills and soft skills training. UCR will appl sectoral integration with CASH and livelihood sectors and create linkage between training and creating income.

Teachers in Crisis Context, a global INEE approach to support teachers during a crisis. UCR has been applying this approach and will continue support teachers both in Ukraine and Moldova.

Watch Video Ukraine's Empty Classrooms